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Chin Augmentation in Dubai

Achieve Facial Symmetry with Chin Augmentation in Dubai

The allure of a face lies in its harmony, where each feature contributes to its overall beauty. However, a weak chin can disrupt this harmony and affect one’s appearance. The size and shape of the chin play a crucial role in determining facial attractiveness.

  • Are you dissatisfied with your recessed chin and desire enhancement?
  • Is your weak chin impacting your self-confidence and self-esteem?
  • Does your small chin make your nose appear larger?
  • Are you seeking a well-defined chin and jawline?

You can now regain your confidence and facial balance with a chin augmentation in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. Consult our expert facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Surindher, to learn about the chin augmentation options, the procedure, and the cost.

Understanding Chin Augmentation Surgery:

The chin is a pivotal facial feature. A receded or ill-defined chin not only affects one’s appearance but also has psychological implications. A strong chin is often associated with confidence. In contrast, a weak chin may give the impression of shyness and low confidence.

Chin augmentation surgery, also known as genioplasty, is a procedure designed to reshape the chin and enhance facial aesthetics. Facial beauty is achieved when all features are in balance.

Chin augmentation can be performed through surgical or non-surgical methods. Surgical chin augmentation involves the placement of an implant to alter the chin’s size, shape, and projection. Various chin implant shapes and sizes are available, with the choice tailored to your facial features to create harmony and balance.

Before / After

Ideal Candidates for Chin Augmentation Surgery:

Chin augmentation surgery may be suitable for you if:

  • You are dissatisfied with the shape and size of your chin and wish to enhance it.
  • You are in good overall health and can undergo surgery.
  • You have proper dental alignment and occlusion, as improper jaw position can contribute to a recessed chin.
  • You possess a stable jaw bone structure and relatively good skin quality.

Understanding Chin Augmentation/Implant Surgery Process:

Chin augmentation is typically performed as a day-care procedure under either general or local anesthesia with sedation. The surgeon creates an incision either beneath the chin or inside the mouth, creating space for implant placement. Implants are made of silicone or Medpor, and the surgeon selects the most suitable one based on your facial features to achieve harmony.

After securely fitting the chin implant, the incision is closed with sutures, and a bandage is applied.

Recovery from Chin Implant Surgery:

Pain and discomfort following chin augmentation surgery are generally mild. Painkillers or cold compresses can effectively manage any discomfort.

Recovery time is relatively short, with patients typically resuming normal activities within 2-3 days. Return to work is possible within seven days post-procedure. During the recovery period, it is advisable to sleep with your head elevated and face up for 10 to 15 days to aid recovery and minimize swelling.

To facilitate healing, avoid excessive jaw movement or pressure on the chin, and maintain a soft or liquid diet for a day or two following surgery. Patients should avoid high-impact exercises and strenuous activities for 3 to 4 weeks. Follow the surgeon’s advice for incision care. While significant results may be visible within a month, complete swelling reduction and the final shape may take up to 3 months.

Risks Associated with Chin Augmentation Surgery:

Potential risks include scarring, infection, bleeding, implant shifting, and reactions to anesthesia. Chin implant surgery, when performed by a certified surgeon, carries minimal complications. Careful selection of your plastic surgeon is crucial for a safe procedure.

Non-surgical Chin Augmentation:

Non-surgical chin augmentation has gained popularity in recent years and offers two options:

1.Autologous Fat Grafting: This procedure involves harvesting fat from another body part, such as the abdomen. After processing the fat, it is injected into various layers of the chin. The surgeon then molds the fat to achieve the desired chin shape. Autologous fat grafting uses your body’s fat, reducing the risk of reactions. While some fat may be absorbed, the rest provides the desired contour. It is cost-effective and longer-lasting than fillers, though significant augmentations may require repeat injections.

Recovery from Fat Grafting: This procedure has minimal downtime. Patients may experience slight swelling and bruising that they can manage with ice packs. You can resume normal activities within a day or two.

2.Fillers: Fillers involve injecting artificial materials into the chin to enhance shape and size. This non-surgical option is performed on an outpatient basis. Local anesthesia is applied to the area before the filler is injected and molded to achieve the desired shape.

Recovery from Fillers: One advantage of fillers is the absence of downtime. Patients can leave the clinic shortly after the procedure. Some minor swelling or bruising may occur, which can be alleviated with ice. However, it’s important to note that fillers are temporary, lasting from 8 months to a year, and may require repeat treatments.

Chin Augmentation-Implant Cost in Dubai & Abu Dhabi, UAE:

The cost of chin augmentation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi varies depending on several factors, including the chosen technique (surgical or non-surgical), the extent of enlargement required, implant cost, surgeon’s expertise, clinical facilities, anesthesia, and additional procedures. After a consultation with Dr Surindher, a board-certified plastic surgeon, you will receive an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Chin augmentation/implant surgery is generally safe. While some risks exist, an experienced surgeon can minimize complications and achieve good results.

Yes, the results achieved through chin augmentation with implants are permanent. However, chin augmentation with fillers or fat grafting may need repeated sessions.

Complete healing and the final results of implant surgery may take around 6 to 8 weeks.

After a day or two, you can return to normal activities but should avoid strenuous work or heavy exercise. Limit excessive mouth movements, such as talking, laughing, or yawning, in the initial days. Sleeping with your head elevated and face up for 10 to 15 days can aid recovery and reduce swelling.

Yes, you can brush your teeth, but be gentle to avoid disturbing the sutures. Practice gentle brushing for the first few days.

Mild pain and soreness may be experienced initially, which can be managed with pain medications. Some patients may also experience itching and numbness, which typically subside within a few weeks.

Chin augmentation enhances the differentiation between the neck and chin, creating a slimmer and more attractive neck profile. The goal of facial surgery, such as chin augmentation, is to achieve facial harmony and balance.

No, chin implants are solid and can last a lifetime.

Non-surgical options for chin enhancement include fillers or fat grafting/transfer. For permanent changes, chin augmentation with an implant is recommended. Consult Dr Surindher, a cosmetic surgeon, to determine the most suitable option.

Dr. Surindher places great importance on understanding the specific needs and expectations of each patient. He begins by delving into your desires and goals constructing a personalized treatment plan that suits you best. As an experienced plastic surgeon, his dedication is to deliver results that are both secure and naturally appealing. Throughout your surgical experience, Dr. Surindher is your dependable pillar of support at every juncture. He provides clear and honest information about surgical charges, leaving no room for hidden fees.

If you want to know more about chin augmentation in Dubai, including cost, recovery, and results, contact us at +971 545097172. You can also reach us via email at

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Author: Dr Surindher D.S.A, MBBS, MS (General Surgery), MCh (Plastic Surgery). Dr Surindher, a board-certified cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgeon, is the author of this write-up and fully verifies the authenticity of the information mentioned in this content. He is a specialist in facial surgery, body contouring, breast surgery, hair transplant, cosmetic gynecology, and reconstructive plastic surgery.